Black Plastisol InkBold and vibrant colours.
Creamy & Easy to Print Inks.
Soft hand prints.
Wet-on-wet printing.
Short flash times, lower cure temperature.
Screen Printing Supplies UK
Black Plastisol Ink helps screen printers that don’t have a lot of extra time or money get the most effective and economical plastisol inks,
bolstering productivity and saving money in the process.
Black Plastisol Ink is a non-phthalate, ready to use plastisol ink that works great right out of the bucket,
Furthermore designed by screen printers, for screen printers to be easy to work with.
Our line includes 15-ready-to-use colors.
Screen Printing Supplies UK. We are the market-leading supplier of high opacity plastisol inks in the UK.
Our plastisol white inks gives the screen printers of any size the widest range of options to print on any substrate.
Plastisol inks widely used in garment printing.
Screen Printer Supplies UK
They are easy to print, do not dry in the screen, can be very opaque on dark garments, and will adhere to most textiles.
They are composed primarily of two ingredients, PVC resin (a white powder) and plasticizer (a thick, clear liquid).
Plastisol inks have one outstanding characteristic, they must be heated to dry.
They will not dry, or cure, at normal temperatures.
For a complete cure, they must reach 143-166º C.
Plastisol inks can be printed on virtually any surface that can withstand the heat required to cure.
The ink and is porous enough to permit good ink penetration.
Plastisol inks do not color the fibers like a dye.
Instead the ink wraps around the fibers and makes a mechanical bond with the fabric.
For this reason, they will not adhere to non-porous substrates such as plastic, metal, and glass.
They also will not adhere well to woven, water proofed nylon material without adding a bonding agent.
Use the following information as a general guideline for mesh selection.
Use 12 threads per centimeter for printing glitter inks.
24 threads per centimeter for athletic printing, opaque ink deposits, thick puff ink, and shimmer ink.
34 threads per centimeter for heavy coverage on dark shirts, solid underbase prints, uff, metallic, and shimmer inks, and transfer printing.
4 9 threads per centimeter for general printing on dark shirts, underbase prints with detail, prints on dark nylon jackets, and silver shimmer ink.
71 threads per centimeter for multi-color printing on light shirts, light colored nylon jackets.
90 threads per centimeter for detailed multi-color printing on light shirts, light nylon jackets, over printing on dark shirts.
120 threads per centimeter for process color on light shirts, overprinting on dark shirts.
This information developed by Scott Fresener of the US Screen Printing Institute.
Store plastisol inks at room temperature.
Prolonged exposure to temperatures above 90º F (32º C)
can cause the ink to start to cure while it’s still in the container.
Screen Printing Supplies UK Screen Wash up
Clean plastisol ink off your screens
with Screen Wash available from your Sunlight Stencils screen printing supplier.
The colors most likely to migrate are red, maroon, kelly green, and some of the darker blues.
Dye migration may appear immediately after the ink is cured, or hours, days, or up to two weeks later.
To control dye migration use the following procedures:
Print with high-opacity, low-bleed inks.Use no more heat than necessary to cure the ink.
More heat means more dye migration.
Print and flash-cure a low-bleed white underbase, then print the desired color over that.
Avoid the problem by printing on 100% cotton fabrics.
Curing Black Plastisol Ink is a matter of exposing them to the proper amount of heat for the correct length of time.
Correct curing of plastisol ink is extremely important.
The most common problem encountered with plastisol inks is poor washability.
In almost every case, this is due to incomplete ink cure.
When plastisol is heated, surrounding liquid plasticizer absorb the resin particles
That swell, merge with each other and form a tough, elastic film.
It is generally impossible to over cure direct prints
because the overcure temperature is above the scorching point of the garment.
However, it is not recommended that you heat the ink layer above 350º F (176º C).
Always Test Black Plastisol Ink Before Using In Production
Always test inks to determine their fitness for your particular applications,
particularly new types of inks and when printing on new products.
Before printing a production run,
print a sample for testing for adhesion, crocking, opacity, washability and any specific job requirements.
Finally Our customers can buy our products from our webstore.